I suppose it's the truism to point out that citizens need to be well-informed. Maybe it's something we take for granted in our liberal western democracies. But there will be plenty of societies, well, that run counter to explicit government policy. Many areas of the world still suffer from the reverie of the deliberate missing information. Governments, not only the unelected ones, but also some elected ones, have denied the events that have ever taken place. They pretend that some events did not take place. They would help spin what they cannot deny, ensure they've used every trick of the book, to pull the eyes of the world, and in an attempt to cover up their mistakes.
The idea that citizens should be well informed has been taken for granted in most liberal western democracy. However, many governments, whether elected or unelected, deliberately hide truth from citizens and try to pretend that certain events have never happened. Considering the most substantial insights which are specified here, it can be stated that these governments use all sorts of tricks to cover their mistakes and misdeed.