The pace, the pace in which the human minds have evolved over the last half million years and more recently the last 200,000 years has been so frighteningly rapid, but the evolution of cognitive function and perception only happen to a small number of genes. If one needed to adapt dozens of genes changes in order to acquire the penetrating minds that we now have but our ancestors 500,000 years ago didn't have, the evolution could not have taken, could not have occurred so quickly. And for that reason alone, one begins to suspect that the genetic differences between people who lived 500,000 years ago and us are not so large.
Therefore, a rather small number of genes, maybe are responsible for the powerful minds which the most of us now possess.
Significantly focusing on the facts which is mentioned is development of human genes in the past half a million years, and it also comprises that human minds have evolved significantly during the same period. Additionally, because the genetic differences between our ancestors and humans now are not so large, it is believed that only a small number of genes may be responsible for the powerful minds that modern human possess now.