Telescopes and eyes are both tools for collecting and detecting light. In fact, telescopes can be thought of as bigger, more powerful eyes. The type of lenses and mirrors and their arrangement determine some of the features of the telescope. The resolution of the telescope is a measure of how sharply defined the details of the image can be. The telescope’s primary mirror may have a fraction. As a result, starlight is not brought to a focus at the same point, resulting in blurry images. The name ‘telescope’ covers a wide range of instruments. There are major differences in how astronomers must go about collecting light in different frequency bands. The telescope is widely used in the astronomy field because it is a digital detector, 100 times more efficient than our eyes. Now physicists have begun to develop a various quantum mechanism.
Telescopes and eyes are both tools for collecting and detecting light, telescopes’ features are determined by type of lenses and mirrors and their arrangement, their primary mirror may have a fraction, hence starlight is not brought to a focus at the same point, resulting in blurry images. Additionally, the telescope is widely used in the astronomy field because it is a digital detector, more efficient than our eyes.