Summarize Spoken Text
You will hear a short lecture. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present at the lecture. You should write 50-70 words.
I am trying here to capture the dynamics that is conventionally being associated with urbanization developments. And get back once again to this question of agriculture. Once you have cities and you also the reverse of the cities, you have countryside. You have rural areas and have this relationship with urban areas which needs agricultural goods, and you trade with increasing industrial goods.
Increasing agriculture productivity, reducing labor needs and opportunities in the rural areas, pushing people towards to cities. There is a notion that in order to have progress and development in cities, you need people. If everybody is busy growing crops and food, you can't have people all going into the city. You need to have farmers producing enough food for more than one family, and then you will have growth and productivity in the countryside, which will free people and allow them move to the cities. In fact, in many ways, it will compel it. They will go to the cities and search for jobs and provide labor force for the production of all kinds of things.
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There is a mutual relationship between cities and rural areas as cities need agriculture goods and countryside needs industrial goods. Additionally, it can be denoted that increasing agriculture productivity, decline in labour needs and opportunities in the rural areas compel people move to cities to make a living there. On the other hand, farmers should increase agriculture productivity in the countryside which is also associated with urbanisation developments.Submit
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