In my view, it's impossible to talk about wildlife, and not think about its role in livelihood. And I guess part of that is my own view, part of the research that I do in Africa. In most eastern-west Africa, all the humans rely on wildlife as the source of food, and also the source of income. And we talk about our wildlife, it seems we talk about fish, we are talking about what probably the single most important source of protein for human that across the globe. And, so, billions of, or more than a billion of people rely on fish as their primary source of animal protein, and most of these people living in poverty. So, the management of fish resource of wildlife in that sense is incredibly important to livelihoods and health. And also, wildlife tourism is a multiple billion-dollar industry, and in many places, such as Africa, south America, it can be the No.1 source of income, it can be the No.1 source of foreign income for economies.
Significantly focusing on the fact which is mentioned is the impact of wildlife on African economy and it comprises that Africans rely on wildlife as the source of food and income. Additionally, fish is the most important food source of protein for human across the globe. Considering the most substantial insights, it can be stated that the residents in Africa suffer from poverty and their main livelihood is wildlife tourism.