Today, poems remain an important part of art and culture. We often talk about the knowledge about the literature in poem. Poetry is probably the oldest form of literature, and probably predates the origin of writing itself. The oldest written manuscripts we have are poems, mostly epic poems telling the stories of ancient mythology. The English language in poems and poetries is difficult to understand, often giving readers a feeling of frustration and making it hard for readers to enjoy poetry. This is because poems use literary expressions.
Poetry was once written according to fairly strict rules of meter and rhyme, and each culture had its own rules. Some poems incorporate rhyme schemes, with two or more lines that end in like-sounding words. We should learn to simply enjoy it, and to know more about literature knowledge.
As the origin of writing, poems remain an important part of art and culture. The English language in poems and poetries is difficult to understand, often giving readers a feeling of frustration and making it hard for readers to enjoy poetry, this is because poems use literary expressions. Additionally, it comprises that readers should learn to enjoy poetry, and to know more about literature knowledge.