Well, the 90s came around and finally it clicked that normal people could get online, which hadn't really clicked before. And the little trick that finally put it together was Tim Berners Lee’s HTML, so thank you to the UK for providing the fellow who finally put the missing link in place. And then what happened in the 90s was this extraordinary outpouring of creativity and constructiveness from millions and millions of people. There were millions of people making Web pages, creating content online, creating social experiments, creating lessons—all sorts of things. And the first decade of the web took place without much of a profit motive, without any particular charismatic figures driving it, without fear, without a desire for an afterlife or any other religious gambits, without advertising, without any of the traditional motivational schemes. It simply happened because people enjoyed it and it was a good idea.
Significantly focusing on the facts which is mentioned is Hypertext Markup Language and it comprises that a group of people started to use HTML to make webpages. Additionally, it also denotes that there are extraordinary works people created online with HTML. Considering the most substantial insights, it can be stated that the reason why people create HTML is to obtain a sense of enjoyment other than sizeable profitability or religion.