Far too many people often say things like animals do this but we don’t. Or this animal does this and that animal does this, but the humans don't do things like that. Those statements have some hidden assumptions that we are not animals. When we say animals do this, animals do that, we often assume that we are not animals. If we are not animals, what are we? Are we plants or trees or flowers? No, we are not. Then okay, we are not plants. Are we microorganisms, really tiny microscopic things? No, we are not. Then the natural conclusion must be we are not living things. That's not true. Yes, we are animals and I see animals in us and I see humans in animals. So I'm going to talk about the animal behaviour and human nature in order to understand human nature. We can look into animals’ eyes and animal behaviour and find something about what made us who we are.
Significantly focusing on the facts of human nature and it comprises that the professor utilizes the elimination method to rule out that other assumptions as humans are not plants or microorganisms. Additionally, it also denotes that human being and animals are closely related. Considering the most substantial aspects, it can be stated that valuable insights can be uncovered through animals’ observations to enhance our grasp on human nature.