Spectacles can form part of an assemblage of items, giving us an overall ‘look’. In fashion terms they are classed as ‘accessories’ along with shoes, jewellery, handbags or watches. In healthcare terms they are of course a medical device and in many languages other than English they are often described as a ‘prosthesis’, as an artificial part of the body…part of you, making you who you are.
Choosing your spectacles is a major decision. Increasingly people own two or more pairs for different occasions or times of the day. There is a phrase for this in the industry. It’s called ‘lifestyle dispensing’ and it dates back to the 1950s. The idea is that you wear one type of glasses in the workplace and quite another on the beach.
Significantly focusing on the fact of different motivations for wearing spectacles and it comprises that spectacles are fashionable accessories to complete one’s look. Additionally, it denotes that spectacles are also medical devices to correct eye vision. Considering the most substantial aspects which are specified here, it can be stated that there is an increasing number of people who own multiple spectacles for various occasions which is considered as lifestyle dispensing.