Summarize Spoken Text
You will hear a short lecture. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present at the lecture. You should write 50-70 words.
Voynich manuscript
Well, the Voynich manuscript does have many different theories proposed for it. Some people think that it’s a complete hoax. It’s now been carbon dated from the 15th century. So it’s most likely if it is a hoax, it’d be a 15th century hoax which I personally don’t believe. But some people think it’s just gobbledygook. It’s just an invention to make money. Somebody made it to fool people and made money. Other people think it’s probably a code. In other words, some encoded lots of secrets in it, hoping that no one would find out. And if so, that’s been very successful because no one has cracked it so far. But, in my opinion, it is actually a genuine script. Obviously, a human devised script, but masking behind it a genuine human language. In a language, it seems to me to have more if you like near Eastern, maybe Caucasian Asian aspects to it rather than European because of some of the words that I’ve decoded. So I would imagine that once we’ve actually managed to decode the script, we’ll find that language underneath is a natural human language probably from that part of the world.
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Significantly focusing on the fact of Voynich manuscript and it comprises that there are a considerable number of theories behind the mysterious language. Additionally, it also denotes that many people speculate that Voynich manuscript is mere hoax, whereas others believe it is a human devised script encoded with secret as the text has yet to be deciphered. Moreover, it is probably a natural human language originated from the Eastern world.Submit
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