So, I think you all know what I mean by globalization, don't you? This is the idea that we all live in a global village. With instant communications, we can share ideas, and consume cultural artifacts from countries all over the world, just by going into the Internet and all dream up, basically. The world is shrinking. In terms of speeds, it is accelerating, but in terms of distance, it's shrinking. What do I mean by detraditionalization? I mean the disappearance or the erosion, for the better word to use, the erosion of traditional cultures, of conventional ways of doing things, of conventional moralities. More and more young people around the world are rejecting the culture they grow up in, and it's probably a little bit cruel. But people have already started imitating a Hollywood model of society, rather than the one which they inherit from their local tradition background.
Significantly focusing on the fact which is mentioned is that globalisation has revolutionized the way how people share information and it comprises that the world is shrinking. Additionally, globalisation weakens or even erodes local traditions and cultures. Considering the most substantial insights which are specified here, there is an increasing number of people reject the culture they grow up in and imitate the mainstream culture of the globe instead.