So various conclusions. Yes, bees are in decline. These declines are well-documented. They are real and supported by good, strong scientific evidence, which is the only of these counts. The drivers of decline on many varied depending on species. The effects of pollinator loss could be absolutely huge. So is it a catastrophe? Not yet. But it could be. On the positive side, we are aware of the problem. Awareness is being raised all the time and people are taking actions. Before fixing is missing, you can recognize the problem. At least it's been done.
Significantly focusing on the fact which is mentioned is that bees are in decline, and it comprises that the declines are well-documented, supported by good, strong scientific evidence. Additionally, it also denotes that the effects of pollinator loss could be absolutely huge. The speaker finally emphasizes that awareness is being raised all the time and people are taking actions. Therefore, at least the problem has been identified before being fixed.