Well, I would argue that what they will say was the most important thing to happen in the early 21st century, was the merger of globalization and the IT revolution. The two really fused in a way that the more IT started to drive more and more globalization, and more and more globalization started to drive more and more IT. And what that fusion did was take the world from connected to hyperconnected and from interconnected to interdependent. These are huge differences of degree that are differences in kind. It happened over the last decade. You are all feeling it in your jobs, in your universities, in your schools. But no one's really explaining it to people. Everyone's living this fusion now. The plumbing of the world fundamentally changed in the last ten years.
Significantly focusing on the fact which is mentioned is that IT and globalisation drove each other forward in the early 21st century, and the merger of IT revolution and globalisation lead to the hyper-connection of the world. Moreover, new changes are reflected in various fields, from the workplace to education industry. All people live in the fusion of globalisation and IT now, although no one is really talking about it.