Multiple choice question - choose multiple answers
Read the text and answer the question by selecting all the correct responses. You will need to select more than one response.
The engineers decided to change the state of suspension uprights in two phases. The first one was connected with the alteration of the upright. It was changed to the forged steel from an aluminium extrusion. The second phase was connected with further development and designing the great number of other components. According to the first phase, new forged uprights were elaborate with the process which comprises design and analysis functions. “The geometric hard points (mounting points) of the suspension were linked together within the package envelope for the suspension corner assembly (wishbones, wheel, brake disc and calliper)”. In fact, these new uprights were made with the help of CATIA software, where the main output was a solid model. Also, this model had to undergo further analysis, which was based on durability requirements of the vehicle. The analysis showed that new forged steel was better than the previous upright. Firstly, new uprights met all functional requirements or even exceeded them. Secondly, they improved the state of stiffness and durability was doubled.