Multiple choice question - choose multiple answers
Read the text and answer the question by selecting all the correct responses. You will need to select more than one response.
It is scientifically proved that tomato and processed tomato products like tomato sauce and canned tomatoes provide protection against certain types of cancer. Tomato contains lycopene, a bright red pigment which imparts the red colour to the tomato. Lycopene has cancer preventing properties.
On the one hand, some horticultural and fruit products lost their nutritional quality( such as vitamin C, vitamin B12)during cooking and processing while tomato and processed tomato products increase nutritional value(add the concentration of lycopene) during processing and cooking. The reason is that lycopene is insoluble in water but soluble in fat and is tightly bound to vegetable fiber.
Cooking and crushing tomatoes in the canning process increases concentration lycopene hence processed tomato products such as sauce, pasteurized tomato juice, tomato paste and ketchup contains four times more lycopene than fresh tomatoes.
Fat soluble properties of lycopene enable its better absorption from the digestive tract into the bloodstream when accompanied by oil hence tomato and process tomato products are helping to fight cancer.