Multiple choice question - choose multiple answers

Read the text and answer the question by selecting all the correct responses. You will need to select more than one response.
Allow internet to children
Allowing home internet to children definitely affects their development, study and social behaviours but the impact is positive or negative would hinge on their parents (moral guardians). In this ICT (Information communication and technology) age where the internet has seamlessly integrated into every facet of human life, it is not possible to stop children from accessing the internet. The internet has both positive and negative aspects regarding its application. As a double-edged sword, the internet can benefit children if they use it for studying purposes, learning new things and developing new skills.The internet improves the visual-spatial skills of children through computer gaming. Unbridled access to the internet is harmful and counterproductive for the children in long run. If children are allowed to use the internet to view inappropriate adult content (pornography), it can adversely affect their physical and mental life. If the time spent online by children is at the cost of other social activities (interacting with family and friends), physiological activities (sleeping), and extracurricular activities (sports/debate) then resulting imbalance in life adversely can affect children’s health, study and overall development. Parents need to ensure that the internet is integrated into children’s routine lives as books. Under strict parental observation and by balancing with other curricular, extra-curricular activities, home internet can improve children’s academic performance and their personality as well.
According to the author allowing internet to children is beneficial only if: