Multiple choice question - choose multiple answers
Read the text and answer the question by selecting all the correct responses. You will need to select more than one response.
Fictional Dreams
We live in a real world with fictional dreams. We like to have things which are not easily available. But when we talk about a house we aspire for a realistic feature. We like to have everything in that house. All the facilities, with a lifelong guarantee. When we talk about an ideal house, we refer to a house that has many things. Enough rooms and storage space to avoid overcrowding. Strong damp-proof and well-plastered walls to prevent insects from breeding. Well-positioned doors and windows allowing plenty of sunshine and fresh air to enter the house, and foul air to go out. In other words, the house should be well ventilated. Doors and windows with grills and secure locking systems for safety. Proper wire netting on doors and windows to keep away insects, like flies and mosquitoes. A leveled and smooth floor. A good drainage system. The drains and outlets should be covered or made underground to keep out foul smell and germs. Technology has improved the ways, a house should be built in. Good facilities will also improve the living qualities. A good garden gives a scenic view and fresh environment. If you are good at gardening, it will help you in having fresh food. There should be some space to walk to have a good health. Having a house of your choice is always a cherished dream. But, building a house is a costly affair. But within our budget, we can apply these qualities to have our ideal house. The kind buildings we today have just increased vertical slums, nothing more.