Multiple choice question - choose multiple answers
Read the text and answer the question by selecting all the correct responses. You will need to select more than one response.
Spirituality and finance go hand in hand. Spirituality does not mean being religious. It means connecting oneself to his or her own self. The spiritual essence of a man is in giving and being generous and try and create situations where they continuously do something for others or humanity. Spirituality means connecting oneself to the higher self and the higher self is connected with everyone’s higher self. In this way, we all are connected to each other. According to this theory then, each person who is doing things for himself is limited. But for a person who thinks he is connected with humanity as a whole and whatever he is earning should be for everyone, is considered spiritual. So, whether it was the aeroplane created by the Wright brothers, or an invention to cure a disease like cancer or anaesthesia, they did something for the human race. So, spirituality comes to those who are generous and have peace of mind. When the mind is full of peace and free of stress, only then it will have space to create abundance. Therefore, people who follow spirituality and meditate are blessed with more clarity, peace, patience and eventually happiness and abundance. Spirituality is a great friend of prosperity. Learning about finance is similar to learning about spirituality. Working for your own good will never help you in your financial condition.