Multiple choice question - choose multiple answers
Read the text and answer the question by selecting all the correct responses. You will need to select more than one response.
Young People
The man in the street is quick to point out that most people have enough problems of their own - crime, unemployment, poor public services, excessive taxation, etc - without having to worry about who's running the country at the same time. The young are not consumed with anxiety about the health system either, because they rarely use it. This same group doesn't worry too much about taxes either, because in general they are not major contributors. So lowering the voting age, as has been suggested in some places would not seem to be very beneficial. It has been done in Germany with 58.5% of the 16-17 age group voting and only 49.1% of the 18-21 age group, perhaps simply an indication of the novelty effect of being given a role in society for the first time.