Multiple choice question - choose single answer

Read the text and answer the multiple-choice question by selecting the correct response. Only one response is correct.
Legalisation of Cannabis
Many advocate legalisation of cannabis, believing that it will eliminate the illegal trade and associated crime, yield a valuable tax-source and reduce policing costs. In 1969, only 16 percent of voters in the USA supported legalization. That number had risen to 36% by 2005. More recent polling indicates that the number has risen even further; in 2009, between 46% and 56% of US voters would support legalization. A Research Centre poll released in 2013, claimed 52 percent of Americans support legalising the drug and only 45 percent oppose legalisation. While support has generally tracked upward over time, it has spiked 11 percentage points since 2010. Research in 2014 shows an increase in the percentage of legalisation supporters, from 52% to 54%.
Choose the option that states the best summary: