Multiple choice question - choose single answer
Read the text and answer the multiple-choice question by selecting the correct response. Only one response is correct.
Net Neutrality
The idea of net neutrality is neither new nor originated nor limited to the Internet. Think of electric network grid, we all get the same electricity whether we plug in our electrical outlets at homes or offices. The cardinal rule behind neutrality suggests that there should not be any discrimination among devices we plug- in hence all gadgets work equally well.
Similarly, all data transmitted through the internet must be in the same order in which they were received and cannot be discriminated. While working on network neutrality research paper, broadband discrimination in 2010 Mr. Tim Wu an American academician coined the net neutrality term and later on propagated this theme, which became the major component of federal net neutrality rule in the USA.
Net neutrality means broadband network providers maintain neutrality and debarred to the rank data travelling through their network. According to net neutrality framework data of prospective enterprise should be allowed to travel without any roadblocks or shortcuts by telecom operators. However, in absence of a net neutrality, network providers can discriminate and decide the speed and quality of transmitted data at their will. The net neutrality means non-discriminatory net availability without differential tariffs, where all enterprises, big or small, have a level playing field and consumers are not compartmentalized or discriminated.