Multiple choice question - choose single answer

Read the text and answer the multiple-choice question by selecting the correct response. Only one response is correct.
Hydro Fluorocarbons
As per the Montreal protocol HFCs (hydro fluorocarbons) are used in refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment in homes, buildings and industrial operations as a substitute of ozone-depleting substances (CFCs-chlorofluorocarbon). About 55%, 24%, 11%, 5%, 4%, and 1% of total HFC is used in buildings and industrial operations, in air-conditioning in vehicles, in foam products, in aerosols, in fire protection systems and in solvents, respectively. Like the ozone-depleting substances most HFCs are potent greenhouse gases. Though they represent a (less than 5%) small fraction of the current total of all greenhouse gases, their global warming potential is higher than other greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen oxides. The most commonly used HFC, HFC-134a, is about 1,4OO times more damaging to the climate system than carbon dioxide. If HFC growth continues on the current trajectory, the HFC emissions can offset much of the climate benefit achieved by phasing out ozone-depleting substances (CFCs).Being the primary substitutes for ozone-depleting substances, HFCs's concentration is increasing in the atmosphere due to exponential demand for refrigeration and air-conditioning in developing countries like India and china.
According to the text it is surmises that: