Multiple choice question - choose single answer

Read the text and answer the multiple-choice question by selecting the correct response. Only one response is correct.
Character Schools
For instance, it has been suggested that schools embodying this idea could develop more effective teaching methods that could then be replicated in other schools. Character schools public schools that operate under a contract, or “charter” were given just such an opportunity beginning in 1991 when Minnesota passed the first charter school law. At that time, many critics warned of deleterious rather than beneficial effects that such freewheeling schools could have on the academic achievement of students. Thus, while public opinion differed concerning the social desirability of charter schools, most agreed that there would be a pronounced effect. Surprisingly, educators who study educational reform now seriously question the degree to which charter schools have made an impact. That conclude that freedom from many of the policies and regulations affecting traditional public schools and the concomitant control over decisions that guide the day – to – day affairs of the School have not resulted in equally dramatic changes in student’s academic performance. In some state performance standards than traditional public schools. It is, however, impossible to know whether this difference is due to the performance of the schools, the prior achievement of the students, or some other factor. Metrics for educational accountability have changed considerably in the past decade, moving increasingly to performance as measured by state mandated tests of individual student achievement. Fundamentally, however, the challenging conditions under which schools operate, be they traditional or charter, have changed little: the struggle for resources, low pay for teachers, accountability to multiple stakeholders, and the difficulty of meeting the educational requirements for children with special needs all persist.
Which of the following statements best summarizes the main point of the passage?