Reading and writing fill in the blanks
Since the dawn of civilization, music has been an integrated part of a child's education, as everyone has realized the potential that sounds have in shaping the mind of a young pupil. In most countries in the world today, music lessons are still in schools as part of the basic curricula, along with sports and drawing. The Ancient Greeks recognized the importance of all these activities being alongside mathematics and physics, because they complemented each other.
Indeed, a new scientific study now comes to prove just that. Researchers at the Ohio State University in the US have reviewed the behavior of children, mostly in high-schools, who have been to music lessons either early in life, or throughout their school years. Investigators Darby E. Southgate, MA, and Vincent Roscigno, PhD, both from OSU, have discovered that the presence of music in teens' education has a significant impact on their abilities to complicated concepts from math or physics.