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Virus Mutation

All viruses mutate constantly, and scientists can identify the different . Coronavirus has mutated into a number of notable strains since the first case was detected in December 2019, with the latest found in Australia believed to originate in Russia. " this is not considered a variant of concern, little is known about the strain," a letter sent to passengers said. Scientists believe it could be up to 70 per cent more than others and slightly more deadly. However, more studies will be needed to verify this claim. Last month, Germany's Health Minister said the virus first detected in Britain last year now accounts for more than a fifth of all positive tests in the country. The B.1.351 strain was first identified in South Africa, where it has become the dominant type infecting local residents.

Cases and deaths in South Africa have started to fall recently after a second of the virus. However, the nation is still battling one of Africa's most severe , with more than 46,000 people dead. The P.1 strain was first detected in Brazil, and is suspected of a COVID-19 resurgence in the nation. Brazilian authorities said 260,000 people have already died.
