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Among the biggest threats to all species of bears is habitat loss, especially from logging, agriculture, and growing human populations. Habitat loss the amount of area bears have to hunt and means they're increasingly coming into contact with humans, which can lead to human-wildlife conflict. Bears are killed out of concern for human safety or in for hunting livestock or crop-raiding. Some species of bears, including Asiatic black bears and sun bears, are also by the illegal wildlife trade. Bear bile, which is produced in the gall bladder, is an important ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine. Asiatic black bears and sun bears may be for their gall bladders, paws, skins, and other parts. Sometimes American black bears are also for the same reasons. Climate change is also a significant threat, especially to polar bears. They depend on finding seals on sea ice for their meals, and they’ll often pass the summer months without eating while they wait for ice to solidify.