Reading and writing fill in the blanks

Below is a text with blanks. Click on each blank, a list of choice will appear. Select the appropriate answer choice for each blank.

Dentistry, the profession with the prevention and treatment of oral disease, including diseases of the teeth and supporting structures and diseases of the soft tissues of the mouth. Dentistry also encompasses the treatment and correction of malformation of the jaws, misalignment of the teeth, and birth anomalies of the oral cavity such as cleft palate. Dentistry, in some form, has been since ancient times. For example, Egyptian skulls dating from 2900 to 2750 BCE contain evidence of small holes in the jaw in the vicinity of a tooth’s roots. Such holes are believed to have been to drain abscesses. In addition, accounts of dental treatment appear in Egyptian scrolls dating from 1500 BCE. It is thought that the Egyptians practiced oral surgery perhaps as early as 2500 BCE, although evidence for this is minimal. An early attempt at tooth dates to Phoenicia (modern Lebanon) around 600 BCE, where missing teeth were replaced with animal teeth and were bound into place with cord.
