Reading and writing fill in the blanks
Deception refers to the act—big or small, cruel or kind—of people to believe information that is not true. Lying is a common form of deception—stating something known to be untrue with the intent to deceive. While most people are generally honest, even those who to honesty engage in deception sometimes. Studies show that the average person lies several times a day. Some of those lies are big (“I’ve never cheated on you!”) but more often, they are little white lies (“That dress looks fine”) deployed to uncomfortable situations or spare someone's feelings. Trust is the bedrock of social life at all levels, from romance and parenting to national government. Deception always it. Because truth is so essential to the human enterprise, which relies on a shared view of reality, the default assumption most people have is that others are truthful in their communications and dealings. Most cultures have powerful social against lying.