Reading and writing fill in the blanks

Below is a text with blanks. Click on each blank, a list of choice will appear. Select the appropriate answer choice for each blank.
Decision making

Decision making is central to the management of an enterprise. The manager of a profit-making business has to decide on the manner of implementation of the objectives of the business, at least one of which may relate to allocating resources so as to maximize profit. A non-profit-making enterprise (such as a department of central or local government) will be making decisions on resource allocation so as to be economical, efficient and effective in of finance. All organizations, whether in the private sector or the public sector, decisions which have financial implications. Decisions will be about resources, which may be people, products, services or long-term and short-term investments. Decisions will also be about activities, including whether and how to undertake them. Most decisions will at some stage involve consideration of financial matters, cost.
