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The cognitive score of people in the study who ate the most flavonols declined 0.4 units per decade more slowly than those who ate the fewest flavonols. The results held even after for other factors that can affect memory, such as age, sex and smoking, according to the study recently published in Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Flavonols are cytoprotective, meaning they protect cells, including neurons, so it’s there could be a direct impact on cognition. Plants contain over 5,000 flavonoid compounds, which play roles in producing cell growth, fighting environmental stress and attracting insects for pollination. Flavonols, a type of flavonoid, have been shown in animal and some human studies to reduce inflammation, a major for chronic disease, and are rich sources of antioxidants. They may also be a marker of better overall diet quality, or even greater health . People who are more health conscious may do things to preserve their cognition, or maybe being more health conscious is a by-product of better cognition.