Reading and writing fill in the blanks
Population composition is changing at every level of society. Births increase in one nation and decrease in another. Some families childbirth while others start bringing children into their folds early. Population changes can be due to random external , like an epidemic, or shifts in other social institutions, as described above. But regardless of why and how it happens, population trends have a interrelated impact on all other aspects of society. For example, because we are experiencing an increase in our population as baby boomers begin to retire, this will in turn change the way many of our social institutions are organized. For instance, there is an increased demand for housing in warmer climates, a massive shift in the need for elder care and assisted living facilities, and growing awareness of elder abuse. There is concern about labor as boomers retire, not to mention the knowledge gap as the most senior and accomplished leaders in different sectors start to leave. Further, as this large generation leaves the workforce, the loss of tax income and pressure on pension and retirement plans means that the financial stability of the country is threatened.