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Chronic Pain

When pain lasts for three months or longer, it is classified as chronic, a condition that affects more than 30 per cent of the world’s population. Chronic pain was long believed to be a stubborn version of pain which passes in less than three months once the damage is healed and it was treated in much the same way. Yet an increasing body of research has led doctors to believe that chronic pain should be treated as a disease in its own right, rather than an symptom of tissue damage or physical trauma. This could have major for the treatment of lasting pain, together with the way we prescribe addictive opioids.

Recent research has revealed that in some people, chronic pain is a problem with the brain. An injury can lead to pain that after the tissue has recovered because the brain has rewired itself and learned to send pain signals, despite there no longer being a reason. Known as central sensitisation, it is as if the volume has been turned up on pain.
