Reading and writing fill in the blanks
We have all been in situations when we felt that too much information was coming at us. When this happens, we feel and fear that we will not be able to retain any information at all. Sometimes it is not just the quantity of communication but the level that causes overload. If the message contains information that is new to the receiver, processes or concepts that are not familiar, then the chances of overload increase greatly. The sender should break up the message into more or digestible bits and reduce the amount of information that has to be absorbed at any one time. One technique is to make a high-level announcement and then follow it up later with more details. The sender has the responsibility to check that the receiver has understood the message. This means that a manager may have to a message to reflect the various experiences of the employees. A new employee may need repeated explanations before beginning an operation, whereas an experienced employee may start rolling his eyes at the same old instructions.