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Employee Diversity

Differences fuel battles and even wars. That’s true in the political arena, and it can also be true in the workplace. Problems that can arise with a workplace include difficulty with communication, different work styles or work ethics. Small issues, such as different smells in the lunchroom, can quickly if not managed appropriately.

Differences in culture can also lead to miscommunication. For example, Americans value eye contact—even with members of the opposite sex. But in many Asian and Middle Eastern countries, direct eye contact is considered to be disrespectful. Direct eye contact with someone of the opposite sex may even be seen as flirting. It’s very important, therefore, to provide diversity training to avoid serious social and challenges. Work styles can also vary from culture to culture. Although many Asians and Central Americans work in groups and value consensus, most Germans and Americans prefer to work independently. Some cultures place a high value on order, organization, and method whereas others emphasize and flexible thinking.
