Reading and writing fill in the blanks

Below is a text with blanks. Click on each blank, a list of choice will appear. Select the appropriate answer choice for each blank.

Every year as summer approaches, areas around the world grow concerned about seasonal drought. Throughout the winter, many places precipitation and the snowpack to prepare for what the warmer, drier months may bring. In addition, there are areas where drought is a regular year to year that lasts longer than just the summer. From hot deserts to the freezing poles, drought is something that affects plants, animals, and people worldwide.

Usually, drought is talked about in one of two perspectives- meteorological and hydrological. A drought in of meteorology takes into account deficiencies in measured precipitation. Each year's measurements are then compared to what is determined as a "normal" amount of precipitation and drought is determined from there. For hydrologists, droughts are monitored by checking stream flow and lake, reservoir, and water levels. Precipitation is also considered here as it contributes to the water levels.
