Reading and writing fill in the blanks

Below is a text with blanks. Click on each blank, a list of choice will appear. Select the appropriate answer choice for each blank.

You may have heard that humans only use 10 percent of their brain power, and that if you could the rest of your brainpower, you could do so much more. You could become a super genius, or acquire psychic powers like mind reading and telekinesis. However, there is a powerful body of evidence the 10 percent myth. Scientists have consistently shown that humans use their entire brain throughout each day.

Despite the evidence, the 10 percent myth has inspired many references in the cultural imagination. Films like "Limitless" and "Lucy" protagonists who develop godlike powers thanks to drugs that unleash the previously 90 percent of the brain. A 2013 study showed that about 65 percent of Americans believe the trope, and a 1998 study showed that a full third of psychology majors, who focus on the workings of the brain, fell for it.
