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Antarctic Animals and Plants

Around 65 per cent of Antarctic animals and plants could decline by the end of the century if conservation efforts aren’t up. Species expected to undergo the steepest population drops are emperor penguins, Adélie penguins, chinstrap penguins and soil nematodes. In a two-part analysis, Jasmine Lee at the British Antarctic Survey and her colleagues scientific data to pinpoint which of the Antarctic’s wildlife will be most at risk under moderate and severe warming scenarios. Then, they asked a group of 29 international experts on Antarctic biodiversity to assess the cost and effectiveness of different management strategies over the next century, like reducing tourism and the spread of species. Under current management strategies and moderate warming, the team found 65 per cent of land plants and animals will decline by the end of the century. If warming is limited to below 2°C by 2100, the estimate drops to 31 per cent. “Everyone tends to think of Antarctica as this remote and wilderness that’s free of these threats that are facing the rest of the world,” says Lee, but the results suggest otherwise.
