Reading and writing fill in the blanks
The rising action of a plot refers to the events that conflict, build tension, and generate interest. It adds that edge-of-your-seat element that motivates you to keep reading until you reach the story . In literature, the rising action encompasses the decisions, background circumstances, and character flaws that lead a story from the opening exposition through the drama and run-up to the climax. The primary conflict can be an one, such as a clash between two men trying to exert their dominance at work, or it can be internal, as in the case of a college student who realizes she wants to leave school but cringes at the thought of telling her parents. As you read a novel, pay attention to that predict trouble down the road. It could be anything from the appearance of a character who seems shady and untrustworthy, to the description of a clear morning marred by one dark cloud on the horizon.