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3D bioprinting is the process of 3D printing a biological structure using bioinks consisting of cells and other biological materials. This innovation can be used in the medical field for different , especially for organ transplants. As of now, transplant patients the risk of organ rejection, an instance where the body recognizes a donor organ as foreign body and enlists the immune system to treat it as such. the donor organ is necessary to the patient, other measures need to be taken to try to stop the immune system from fighting against it. The use of bioinks and specialization of 3D bioprinters can in less rigorous medical therapies for these patients. 3D bioprinted organs were hypothesized to induce a better response from the immune system than current donor organs do. The conclusion that 3D bioprinting can lead to better lifestyles for organ transplant patients and less rejection by the human immune system was reached after research the use of autologous cells and specialized cells in 3D bioprinting