Reading and writing fill in the blanks

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No one in Parliament would know better than Peter Garrett what largesse copyright can confer so it may seem right that he should announce a royalty for artists, amounting to 5 per cent of all sales after the original one, which can go on giving to their families for as much as 150 years. But that ignores the truth that copyright law is a scandal, recently by the Free Trade Agreement with the US which required extension of copyright to 70 years after death. Is it scandalous that really valuable copyrights end up in the ownership of corporations (although Agatha Christie's no-doubt worthy great-grandchildren are still the benefits of West End success for her whodunnits and members of the Garrick Club enjoy the continuing fruits of A.A. Milne's Christopher Robin books)? No. The is that bien pensants politicians have attempted to appear cultured by creating private assets which depend on an act of Parliament for their existence and by giving away much more in value than any public benefit could . In doing so they have betrayed our trust.
