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Tokyo Skytree

Team Lab's digital mural at the entrance to Tokyo’s Skytree, one of the world’s monster skyscrapers, is 40 meters long and immensely detailed. massive this form of digital art becomes and it's a form rampant inflation Inoko's theories about seeing are based on more modest and often pre-digital sources. An early devotee of comic books and cartoons (no surprises there), then computer games, he recognized when he started to look at traditional Japanese art that all those forms had something : something about the way they captured space. In his discipline of physics, Inoko had been taught that photographic lenses, the conventions of western art, were the logical way of transforming three dimensions into two, conveying the real world onto a flat surface. Japanese traditions employed 'a different spatial logic', as he said in an interview last year with, that is 'uniquely Japanese'.
