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Intelligence of living beings

Comparing the intelligence of animals of different species is difficult, how do you compare a dolphin and a horse? Psychologists and biologists have looked for a technique for assessing intelligence that require specific tests or even the cooperation of the animals involved. The relative size of an individual’s brain is a reasonable indication of intelligence. Comparing species is not as simple an elephant will have a larger brain than a human simple because it is a large beast. we use the Cephalization index, which compare the size of an animal’s brain to the size of its body.

Based on the encephalization quotient, the brightest animals on the planet are humans, by great apes, porpoises, and elephants. As a general , animals that hunt for a living (like canines) are smarter than strict vegetarians (you don't need much intelligence to outsmart a leaf of lettuce). Animals that live in social groups are always smarter and have large EQ's than solitary animals.
