Fill In the Blanks

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Sustainable transportation system

A sustainable transportation system is one in which people’s needs and desires for access to jobs, commerce, recreation, culture and home are accommodated using a minimum of resources. Applying of to transportation will reduce pollution generated by gasoline-powered engines, noise, traffic congestion, land devaluation, urban sprawl, economic segregation and injury to drivers, pedestrians and cyclists. In addition, the costs of commuting, shipping, housing and goods also will be .

Ultimately, in a sustainable San Francisco, almost all trips to and the City will be on public transit, foot or bicycle -- as will a good part of trips in the larger Bay Region. Walking through streets designed for pedestrians and bicycles will be more pleasant than walking through those designed for the automobile. Street-front retail and commercial establishments will prosper from the large of foot traffic drawn to an environment enhanced by trees, “street furniture,” (appropriately designed street lights, bicycle racks, benches, and the like) and other people. Rents and property costs will be lowered as land for off-street parking is no required or needed.
