Fill In the Blanks

In the text below some words are missing. Drag words from the box below to the appropriate place in the text. To undo an answer choice, drag the word back to the box below the text.
Higher Education Graduates in the Labour Market

Many tests have shown that, in a very broad way, people in most parts of the world have similar colour preferences. Blue is the most preferred and popular hue, followed in order by red, green, purple, yellow and orange. this basic order of colour preference, however, are the responses of individuals, which of course vary and may also be very powerful. Children are likely to have strong for some colours and aversions to others, but sometimes will not admit to them, since outside may be influential in determining both colour preferences and the way that they are expressed or suppressed. Current fashions in clothes and accessories, gender-stereotyping and peer-group pressure may all play a significant part. Boys in particular may be reluctant to admit to any strong preferences for colours those of favourite football teams, because colour awareness may be regarded by their peer-group as feminine.
