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The conducted study serves three objectives. The First objective is to reveal the loaded to the child by the child-centric mother’s attitude and the effect of 5-6 year old nursery school children on the purchasing decision of families who belong to a high socio- economic class. The second objective is to a child centricity scale and the third object is to examine the attitude and behaviour differences between low child-centric and high child-centric mothers. the data gathered from 257 mother respondents, the researchers have found that the lowest influence of the child upon the purchasing decisions of the family are those which carry high purchasing risk and are used by the whole family, whereas the highest influence of the child upon the purchasing decision of the family are the products with low risk used by the whole family. Findings also reveal that there are statistically significant between the high child-centric and low child-centric mothers regarding purchasing products that are highly risky and used by the whole family.