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Earth's magnetic field

What do birds and bees, worms and wolves, fruit flies and fish all have in ? The answer: a magnetic sense that helps them navigate. Now it seems we might do as well.

Joseph Kirschvink at the California Institute of Technology in the US and colleagues found that altering the of nearby magnetic fields caused temporary changes in human brain activity.

While sitting still in a dark room, participants’ brain activity was using electroencephalography (EEG), electromagnetic coils were used to create magnetic fields. The experiment mimicked the magnetic field changes we are subject to when we move about in the real world, says Kirschvink.

The direction and intensity of Earth’s magnetic field varies by geographical location. For example, at the magnetic north pole, one of two poles where the magnetic field is the strongest, the direction of the field points vertically downwards, into the ground. In the wider northern hemisphere, this vertical angle but the magnetic field is always skewed downwards.
