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Time spent online

People are spending twice as much time online compared to 10 years ago, fuelled by increasing use of tablets and smartphones. The biggest increase has been young adults, with time spent online almost tripling from 10 hours and 24 minutes each week in 2005 to 27 hours and 36 minutes in 2014.

In total, the average adult spends more than 20 hours online a week, which includes time spent on the internet at work. Meanwhile the person spends 2.5 hours every week “online while on the move” - away from their home, work or place of study. This is a five-fold from 2005, when the figure was just 30 minutes.

Overall, the proportion of adults using the internet has risen by half - from six in ten in 2005 to almost nine in ten today, Ofcom’s Media Use and Attitudes 2015 report, which questioned 1,890 adults aged 16 and over about their internet consumption habits.
