Fill In the Blanks

In the text below some words are missing. Drag words from the box below to the appropriate place in the text. To undo an answer choice, drag the word back to the box below the text.

Lucy was a single hominid skeleton found in Ethopia. First, she was a bunch of broken fragments lying in Ethopia. She was found by Donald Johanson and Tom Gray, who headed out to the area looking for rocks, and then drove back. that return journey, Johanson spotted a forearm bone, identified it and then kept looking, where the two found a huge set of bones that would eventually 40 per cent of the entire skeleton.

The discovery was so important because it entirely our understanding of the process of evolution.

She showed that people had been wrong to think that we became intelligent before we stood up Lucy and her contemporaries were better suited for walking than we were, but appear to have been much less advanced. That was important because it changed our understanding of the story of evolution, implying that walking was one of the most important things in moving us towards our current state, and that brainpower might not have been the most important thing.
