Fill In the Blanks

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Self-defeating habits

Don't allow yourself to slip into self-defeating habits, such as procrastinating. Try to keep a going in your study. Scatter blocks of study with short breaks to limit fatigue. If you study solidly for a couple of hours, make sure you give yourself fifteen minutes or so before you start up again. Think positively about yourself and your situation. Challenge the negative thoughts that into your mind and cause you unnecessary stress at times, such as ' I'm going to fall ', ' I'll end up blowing my future, my challenge of getting a career '. You don't have any need to think catastrophically, it's not achieving anything. In fact, it's doing you a lot more harm than good, because it's distracting you away from what you need to do. Learn to become more relaxed in your daily life. There are simple techniques, such as breathing exercises and muscular relaxation exercises, as well as guided imagery, which can help you to feel calmer, and more focused. The Macquarie University Counsellors can help you with these techniques. Some do relaxation tapes for students.
