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Our studies, showed that those people on a higher protein diet lost the same amount of weight as those on a higher carbohydrate diet, since the two diets offered an amount of kilojoules and the same amount of fat. However, body composition (that is, the ratio of fat to muscle) showed greater improvement among those people on the higher protein diet. When the participants in our studies were allowed to eat until they were no longer hungry, those on the higher protein diet lost more weight than those on the higher carbohydrate diet, even after more than a year.
The in hunger and the beneficial effect on muscle provided by the higher protein diet is mostly related to its protein content, while the reduced triglyceride levels and enhanced fat loss seem to be related to its lower amounts of carbohydrate.
The diet is healthy because its protein comes from lean red meat, fish, chicken and low-fat dairy products, all of which provide good nutrition. A high-protein diet in which the protein comes from protein powders and supplements is unlikely to be healthy, unless the supplements are with vitamins and minerals.